[Billede af firmalogo]



Results achieved till now

The results achieved till now come from tests and measurements made in a 5 meter wave tank and from a function test at Aalborg University in September 2005.


Resultats from the 5 meter wave tank

The WEC, as it is now, is a result of several test in the 5 meter wave tank and building of several test models. The measurements has been made on a 50 cm wide part of the WEC in scale 1:40. The test model consist of 10 tubes divided in two rows of 5 tubes.


Measurements show a efficiency of 25 – 35 % (from wave energy to mechanical energy) depending on the chosen wave hight and periode time. The measurement has been done on a regular waves.


The measurement has been done by compareing the calculated  energy in the wave with the work that the air flow could do on two cylindres.  See fig. 5.



The energy in the waves has been calculated to be 1.49 W/50 cm (the width of the WEC) at a wave height of 0.06 meter and a period time of 0.9 sekunds. The air cylindre is capble of lifting two times 1.18 kilos, that is 2.36 kilos (mass of weigth, piston and piston rod) 0.5 meter in 27.1 sekunds. Friktion loss in pistons and pressure loss in hoses are not known. That is the efficiency at the output at the WEC is expected to be greater than the measured 0.29.


The efficiency in it self is not the most interesting. The interesting is the total production cost compared to the energy production.


As described the efficiency is meassured to 0.29 this is infact from wave energy på mechanical energy (linear movement). The WEC actually removes 75% of the energy from the waves as a 6 cm wave is reduced to 3 cm after the WEC. Some of the gab between theese 75% and the meassured output at 29% is expected to be losses in the system that can be eliminated and changed into usefull energy.